I believe that we are all born for a reason, and that reason is to discover and embrace our own Higher Work.

In fact I've been helping people find their path to purpose, in life and business since the early 2000's and I'm the founder of Higher Work – an evolutionary new way of living and working in the world. 

I've had many evolutions in my professional career. From brand strategist to keynote speaker to writer and mentor however the continuous thread through all of my  incarnations has been a simple one: to wake people (and businesses) up to their highest potential and the contribution they were born to make. 

In my early career I worked with brands like Coca-Cola, Nestle and Revlon and then as the years progressed I established my own agency where I had the privilege of working with some of the brightest minds and businesses in Australia. And when you become friends with the team who designed the facebook logo well you know you're in good company. However my niche was strategy and fortunately I was very good at it.  

When I was invited to speak on stages and my work evolved into the leadership and mentoring space I discovered more and more that there was a piece missing in the work I was I was doing.

I began to see a recurring theme. 

You see some of the most conscious, talented and inspirational people I knew were working in jobs they didn’t love with people they didn’t like, feeling confused about the next direction they should take, stressed out and exhausted by their to-do list and to top it off, emotionally disconnected from their actual purpose.

They were living the life they thought they should be living, rather than the one designed specifically for them.

I should know. I was one of them. On the outside my career told a different story, but on the inside I was falling apart. And it was a pattern that was beginning to repeat. 

I seemed to learn this the hard way. From deep dark depression in my 30s to fulfilment and joy in my 40s, to complete devastation, again. When your world comes crashing down around you, not once, but twice well you have one of two choices. 


How my career
and work 


I have always been a



You can surrender to those dark thoughts or
you can choose to face the darkness and find another way.*


Just getting through the night when I didn’t want to be here anymore, gave me the strength to get through to the next and the next. It was the first time I realised how fragile I'd become and how none of us are ever taught how to truly live.  

Finally, after a tragic set of personal circumstances culminated in the end of my marriage. The universe spoke to me. "This is not the life you're meant to be living, you need to find another way." 

Suddenly I realised I had no choice but to take back control of my health, my mind and my life. I realised I had to take radical responsibility for everything. I was on my own now. The decision to find true lasting happiness lay within me. Suddenly all of my longed for plans changed. 

So, I stopped looking outside for answers and asked my Self, Soul and Spirit to show me the way.

And what has unfolded since has been nothing short of miraculous...

It was my wakeup 


I began daily walks at sunrise, swam in the ocean and allowed my body to reset. I removed myself from toxic people and places. I packed up my life and moved to the country and accepted the essence of who I really am...

  • I changed my diet and meditation practice
  • I studied ancient texts and philosophies 
  • I spent days in nature grounding and recalibrating every cell of my being
  • I heard my soul speak and I listened

For the first time in over two decades I stopped, surrendered and turned myself over to a higher power and allowed myself to be completely supported and transformed. 

I then took the best of what I knew about health, healing, wealth creation, high performance and thought leadership and began my next chapter. Hour by hour, day by day slowing rebuilding my Self, my Life and my Spirit and I found ... Higher Work

I began daily walks at sunrise, swam in the ocean and allowed my body to reset. I removed myself from toxic people and places. I packed up my life and moved to the country and accepted the essence of who I really am...

  • I changed my diet and meditation practice
  • I studied ancient texts and philosophies 
  • I spent days in nature grounding and recalibrating every cell of my being
  • I heard my soul speak and I listened
For the first time in over two decades I stopped, surrendered and turned myself over to a higher power and allowed myself to be completely supported and transformed. 

I then took the best of what I knew about health, healing, wealth creation, high performance and thought leadership and began my next chapter. Hour by hour, day by day slowing rebuilding my Self, my Life and my Spirit and I found ... Higher Work

"I Allowed My Higher Self To Guide Me And Show Me My Next Chapter."

I found my

higher work.

Throughout my journey I finally realised how externally focused I'd become and how I'd willingly handed over the reigns of my life to everyone else. It was a slap in the face, but as the realisation grew, I felt layers of conditioning and programming peel away from my (old) Self.

As I accepted the truth of my reality, I had to completely reset my nervous system. I'd experienced such extreme circumstances and stress for so long that I had to start from the very beginning. Self care took on a whole new meaning as I let go of the life I'd been living. Becoming honest, real and vulnerable was the hardest experience of my life.

This awakening and (re)calibration of my being created such a radical shift within, it was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before– it was a complete initiation and transformation to becoming my most authentic self. 

Quite simply, I found my path forward when I stepped into my Higher Work. 

So, my dear friend are you ready to find your own Higher Work? 

When you know how to FIND your direction, ALIGN to your unique gifts and talents and FULFIL your calling, you will have all the steps necessary to rapidly evolve your career or business to be the life you dream of and deserve. All of my material is designed to help you with those three elements, using transformational evolutionary techniques, strategies and tools. 

I truly believe every single being on the planet is born for a reason and that reason is to discover and embrace your own Higher Work.

I know that when you come into the awareness of who you really are and what you're really meant to be doing with your life – magic happens. Doors open where there were never doors before and you discover yourself to be a greater person that you ever dreamed yourself to be. Now more than ever the world needs people just like you working in their talents, aligned to their passions and connected to their actual purpose. Every. Single. Day.

Now my goal is to help you find and bring your

 Higher Work 





Expect power, purpose and great fulfilment when you find your  Higher Work.